We are non-denominational in that we are not affiliated with any main-line denomination. We are however, linked with other churches for purposes of fellowship and mutual edification of the body of Christ.
We are apostolic in that we are a church who send others out from Faith Chapel and equips and supports them to start new churches or out reaches in the Rochester area as God reveals the need.
We are charismatic in our worship and Pentecostal in that we believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today and are active today. We believe that God has provided and equipped the church with all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in order that the church, the body of Christ can be edified and build up in the faith. These gifts include prophecy, gifts of healing and miracles, speaking in tongues and the interpretation of tongues, words of knowledge and wisdom and all the other gifts of the Holy Spirit. We also believe that God has provided deliverance for those who are oppressed by the enemy of our souls, Satan.