Pastor Matt Atkinson, along with his wife, Jennifer, were with Faith Chapel from the beginning where Matt served as associate pastor. On July 1, 2016 Matt and Jen were installed as lead pastors of Faith Chapel.


Pastor Matt and Pastor Jen

Pastor Matt has been saved since early childhood being raised in a Christian home, his father being a pastor. Matt attended World Harvest Bible College in Columbus, Ohio, where he met Jen. They were married in 1998. Matt majored in worship and pastoral studies. He served as worship leader of Faith Chapel for 15 years before being commissioned as lead pastor. He and Jen served as elders as well.


Pastor Dave Branch and Pastor Pat

Pastor Dave was employed by Faith Temple in Rochester for over five years. In May 2000, Pastor Mary L. Edlin commissioned him and his wife Pat, to start a new church. Churchville was selected because Pastor Dave lives there and is well known and respected in the community. He was allowed to choose a team to go with him to start this new work. He chose three couples and their families and in September 2000 they held their first service.
Pastor Dave and Faith Chapel are linked with LifeNet Apostolic Network, a network of churches under the leader ship of a apostle/Pastor Ron Domina of Bethel Christian Fellowship in Rochester. Pastor Dave also serves on the Board of Directors of LAN.
Pastor Dave serves as apostolic oversight for several ministries in the Rochester area as well as oversight of 16 churches in Malawi, Africa